ORMEX 2021 "Explore Your Passion and Make Your Choice to Become A Great Generation"
✨Ormawa Expo is one of the requirements for all new students who have just joined Hayam Wuruk Perbanas Surabaya University. ✨
🌻Ormawa Expo 2021 has been held through the Zoom media. In this event, each of the 21 Student Organization generally presented their presentations on Zoom media. After that, the new students will be directed to enter the breakout room to ask questions to the student organization representatives in the breakout room. Then, they must answer some questions on Instagram Story and fill the visit form on the bio Instagram of each Student Organization.🌻
✨🦋The theme of Ormawa Expo 2021 UKM English Club is Lost in Paradise. This theme is related to the new environment that new students will face. Lost in Paradise aims for the new students adapt to this new environment and later they can make a better change for themselves by joining Student Organization.🦋✨